
Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Kettlebells - Who needs a gym?

Hello friends! I thought I would throw a quick video together of one of my kettle-bell workouts. This is one of the routines I use on a regular basis, on days where I don't feel like going through a regular bodybuilding style routine at the gym. I am lucky to have an optimal area to train, the parkade in my apartment building. The temperature is perfect, and it's the right amount of space.

One huge misconception surrounding fitness is that you need to spend hours upon hours in the gym and expose yourself to all the huge egomaniancs that gym's tend to attract. To the average person who does not train, the gym can be extremely intimidating, and a source of anxiety for many. Sometimes the strength it takes to realize that a change must be made in one's health can be very taxing. Many people have self esteem and confidence issues that could also come into play when deciding whether or not to join the gym. This is where kettle bells shine.

Kettle bells are hands down the best bang for your buck training tool that you can purchase. For about $1.50 a pound, you can purchase a tool that will repeatedly kick your ass into next Tuesday. For myself, I was drawn to the possibility of being able to train in my own space, and outdoors, with minimal interaction. For anyone that does not want to purchase a gym membership, and does not have the income or space for your own gym, look into kettlebells. You can train basically wherever you want, and can have a way more intense workout than you would performing traditional bodybuilding routines. You 100% do not need a gym membership to become physically fit.

This is more or less the routine structure I follow when training with kettle bells. Enjoy!

Also: I decided to become Agatsu certifieid to provide training with kettle bells. Certification will take place in October. Pumped!


  1. Jeannie Lovesey6 June 2012 at 09:59

    Great video! How long does it take you to complete the entire workout? Also, can you remind me the name of that guy who has the videos about kettlebells you were telling me about? Thanks!

  2. Normally I can wrap it up in about 30 minutes. Sometimes I add or remove exercises, but 30 minutes should be enough.

    Steve Maxwell is the man you are looking for.

    Here is his website:

  3. Jeannie Lovesey15 June 2012 at 09:51

